Wednesday, April 15, 2020

where I am from

where I am from. I'm from living in Weston, from bike rides to the shop to get my favourite lollies. I am from miniball every Tuesday and basketball every Wednesday. I'm from hot oozy marshmallows between melting chocolate thins,the smell of the fire burning the sticks. Cuddled up after on the squeaky small stretchers thinking about the day ahead. I am from cousin days every holiday,from biking around and hot chips afterwards. From late nights telling stories. I'm from every night the cat and dog on my bed, from furry hairy blankets and them being right in my face. I am from playing board games at night with my family. I am from constant carb counting and regularly injections. I'm from listening to my favourite songs over and over again. I am from being neighbours with my best friend, from fun times with them and making lots of good memories. By Hazel


  1. That's Awesome I really enjoyed reading it
    I live in Duntroon and my teacher is Mrs Campbell
    My sisters name is Hazel :)
    please come check out my blog
    From Amelia Wills :) :) :)

    1. you blog looks awesome thanks for the feedback!

  2. wow you sound like you have a cool life hazel . Come and check out my blog

  3. Hi Hazel,

    I like your post we did a Where I'm from poem aswell.

  4. Sounds like you are from a very cool place. I really like this piece of writing and here is the link to my blog

  5. Hi my name is James and I live near kurow

  6. Cool this is really nice. :)

  7. Sounds like you live in a really cool place and lots of fun with your cousins.

  8. hi my name aj i live near kurow

  9. Hi my name is Henry and I live near duntroon. I think your story is really cool. You sound like you are from an awesome place. If you are interested in checking out my blog here is the link:

  10. Hazel - I loved hearing about your life, I love sharing it with you!
    Love you - Mum x
