Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The 3 step water cycle

Do you ever stop to think where your water comes from? I get my water from the tap in the kitchen but how did it get there? It is all part of this thing called the water cycle. The water cycle has 3 steps to it that just repeat over and over again first up is evaporation 85% of the water vapour in the air comes from water that evaporated from creeks or rivers or even the ocean the sun heats the water and then evaporates it and takes it up to the atmosphere. The second step is condensation. You might have condensation on your windows in the mornings or after a shower but this is a different type. This is when the atmosphere fills up with water vapour the water vapour turns into droplets of water and that is how we get rain. Finally we have rain. When the clouds get really heavy it rains and that is the 3 step water cycle. By Hazel

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